The quarantine mailbox is a separate inbox that stores emails that have been flagged as potentially harmful or suspicious. The mailbox is designed to prevent these emails from reaching the user’s primary inbox, allowing them to avoid opening or interacting with potentially harmful messages.
As we understand, some of the spam emails received on your domain are already tagged as suspicious or unverified (this means the spam filters have already identified them as non-legit) But to avoid false positives the emails are delivered to user’s Inbox.
However, now we have a quarantine feature that will hold suspicious & other spam-tagged emails in the quarantine mailbox. The user will get a mail notification that a particular mail is quarantined & if the user needs the mail then the admin can release such quarantined emails.
The Quarantine feature is available for activation on the domain, you can enable it from admin panel as per the steps mentioned below:
Step 1 :Login to Admin >> Other Services >> Manage Quarantine
Create a Quarantine Mailbox by going to Manage Quarantine. The mailbox created will be
Step 2: Once the mailbox is created, select the rule for which mail needs to be quarantined. Also, there is an option to notify users when mail is quarantined.
If you feel that some domains or emails are wrongly quarantined then you can also whitelist them so that such senders will never get quarantined again.
For whitelisting — Login to admin >> Domain Level Management >> Domain Whitelisting.
For FAQ’s related to quarantine mailbox, check this link